
How can I place an order?

Placing an order is easy:

1. Go to the product of your choice.
2. Click the unique green “Add to Cart” button.
3. Continue shopping to view the collection or click “Add to Cart” to check out.
4. Enter your details and select your preferred payment method.
5. Your order is final when you confirm your purchase in the “Order” step.
6. Changes can be made before payment and order confirmation.
7. Upon successful ordering, you will receive order confirmation via email.
8. We ship your order.

How do I change or cancel my order?

This can be done by phone or email through our customer service.

What is the delivery time for my product?

Delivery times are noted for each product. You can also check delivery times in your shopping cart. If you have an order for multiple products, the delivery time for the longest product is critical.

My products have become more expensive. Is that right?

The prices of our products may change from day to day, for example due to changes in purchase prices. This may result in an increase or decrease in the sales price.

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